Thursday 27 May 2021

Quick Thoughtpad: Starting an SEO / Keyword Research / PLR Side Hustle Business

TLDR: there are plenty of tools to help businesses shortcut otherwise laborious SEO tasks, but they are worthless for organisations who don't understand how they work. To add value, you need to work from the ground up, which means you can start a highly profitable business for no money down using a topic discovery service such as, Google Trends, and graduate to automated tools once you understand the value you're delivering to your customers.

Sounds like a business you could get off the ground? Then read on...

Phase 1: Niche Your Kindle

Firstly, you need to decide what you're most interested in. For me, it's mainly health and beauty, usually retail (bricks and mortar or bricks and clicks/clicks & mortar), in the UK. Just because it's a market I understand and appreciate, with enough variety to keep me on my toes!

With that fixed, pick a suitable keyword phrase with which you intend to attract customers.

Take the phrase, and plug it into, being sure to select your geographic region, language, and use the "Questions" tab. What you'll get back is a long list of questions that people type into Google. These then become a loose Table of Contents for your Kindle book.

(Other ebook formats can be used, including PDF, but Kindle is the easiest to monetize!)

The next bit is probably the toughest: select the keyword phrases (questions) that seem most relevant and plug each one into a search engine. Pick the most likely looking first page results, and begin to build your content around each topic.

Ignore SEO for now; search engines are smart enough to read between the lines, anyway.

The result of the above will be a text that answers the general public's questions on the topic that your prospect cares about. You're not going to hawk it to the people who asked the questions; rather, you want to sell to the people who serve them.

Phase 1 is all about getting your ebook into the store - at whatever price seems reasonable to compensate you for your time - and recovering a link that you can use in the next Phase.

Phase 2: Promote, Rinse & Repeat

From Phase 1, you now have a collection of questions and answers packed into an ebook that can be sold on the Kindle store, or elsewhere.

However, until you push it out to your prospects, they won't even know it exists! So, Phase 2 is about making a list of your prospects' business email addresses (sending to a non-business email address is impolite at best) and sending them a link to your book, with a little note letting them know that they can use it as inspiration to make their web site more attractive to search engines.

Let's just unpack that a bit further.

Your service is in the data mining that took place in Phase 1, coupled with the effort required to select, research, and produce useful content. The value is baked into the process: these are real queries from real people asking for answers relating to topics that are key to your prospect's business.

In allowing them to repurpose this information, you have short-circuited their SEO and keyword research effort, and they would be missing out if they were not to own your book. Framing it this way enables both parties to feel that the value exchange is fair.

Having reached out to your prospects, it's time to go through Phase 1 all over again, with a different topic. You can aim at the same market, and email the same list of prospects with a better offer (2 for 1, 50% discount, etc.) or write for a new market - it's up to you.

The idea is to be able to generate some income with which to embark on Phase 3...

Phase 3: Expand, Upgrade & Refine

Phase 1 and 2 are good for a start, but they are pretty tedious.

However, the research time can be easily reduced, now that you know what you're doing, by investing in a keyword research tool like SEMRush. It will help you to isolate those keywords, find the information sources, and even suggest prospects (hint: they're the ones with poor SEO results!)

SEMRush, and others, are relatively expensive for a side hustle, so it pays to be able to use the books to generate some revenue to get started, and offset the cost of running the tools, once you've established a routine.

You'll also be able to refine the process to help individual prospects - especially those who buy your books of PLR - and generate more income with an offer focussed just on them.

Now What?

If you want to unpack this process further, you can drop me a line, or leave a comment below. I hope that the above has at least opened up some new opportunities for your next side hustle!

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